JCR Meetings


JCR meetings are where we discuss important issues, review and vote on motions, listen to husts (speeches) for prospective Executive and Non-Executive Officers, and ensure the elected officials running the JCR are effective and held to account. As a democratic body, the JCR meetings are ultimately a forum in which the members deliberate on issues that impact our community.

In a typical year, there are around 3 JCR Meetings per-term, excluding the exam period.

Minutes from our previous meetings are available here along with any motions to review before the next meeting.


One of the most important elements of the JCR meetings is that of the husts, which are held prior to any elections being held by the JCR. Husts are in essence speeches that provide election candidates the chance to expound on the ideas presented in their manifestos and answer questions from the assembled members. This is a crucial part of the election process as it acts as a moment of direct communication between the candidates and the electorate!

In a typical year the JCR will hold 2-3 series of elections, with the single largest being our General Election, held in Feburay-March, in which all Exec and Non-Exec positions are up for grabs. You can find out more about JCR elections here.


Ask The Exec! sessions are an opportunity for the current students to ask questions of the JCR Executive Officers. This is a good opportunity for our students to remain informed about what the Exec Officers have been doing and keep them accountable with questions. In a typical year, ‘Ask The Exec!’ sessions are held at the end of each term and are chaired by the JCR Chair.


As a democratic organisation, it is vital that important issues are debated and discussed by the members, and our JCR meetings are the point at which these debates and discussions can be held. The issues being discussed can be of any magnitude, ranging from issues purely relating to Stephenson College or the JCR, to issues that are prominent across the university and occasionally the wider UK.


Motions are formal recommendations and suggestions put out by members of the JCR on improving our student body. Proposed motions are then discussed in JCR meetings, to which members then are able to vote for or against. If the majority votes for the proposed motion, then it becomes ratified and applied to JCR standing orders.

If you would like to submit a motion please contact the JCR Chair on stephenson.jcr-chair@durham.ac.uk or fill in the Motions Submission form below. The full terms of the substantive motion are to be placed on the agenda paper together with the names of one proposer and one seconder. Such motions shall be submitted to the JCR Chair in writing at least 4 days before a JCR meeting unless it is a procedural motion. Further information can be found in the Standing Orders.


Attending JCR meetings is compulsory for first-year students who live in college. If you are not able to attend, an apology with the reason for your absence must be submitted to the Chair with the reason for your absence at least two hours before the meeting.