Walker Gym
New for 2023!
Images and info coming soon!

Howlands Gym
Our gym is a shared facility with Josephine Butler called the Howlands Gym. It is a reasonably priced, convenient and well-stocked facility, perfectly suited for all your gym and fitness needs!
Our gym is fully stocked with free weights, machines and cardio equipment. We have:
Jordan Fitness Dumbells 1kg-35kg; Jordan Fitness Barbells 5kg-45kg and a variety of kettlebells.
Squat Rack, Bench Press and Adjustable bench, with up to 230kg of weight plates.
A variety of machines including a Matrix Fitness Leg Curl/Extension; Lat Pull Down/Seated Row; Incline Chest/Shoulder Press; and Functional Trainer.
A variety of cardio machines including treadmills; ellipticals; bikes; and rowing machines.
Floor space for stretching, core, cardio and more.
How to sign up to the Howlands Gym
There are a number of steps you need to go through before you can become a member of Howlands Gym.
Purchase a gym membership.
The cost is £80 for non-JCR members and £20 for JCR members per academic year. The gym is accessible to all our students, whether they are a JCR member or not, and whether they live in college or not.
Gym memberships are usually bought alongside your JCR levy at the start of the academic year, however, can be bought at any time throughout the year. Although please note, the price will not alter throughout the year, so get your membership early!
Complete your gym induction.
Once you’ve purchased your membership, we need to make sure you’re properly equipped to use the gym in a safe manner, this involves acquainting you with the code of conduct and demonstrating to you how to appropriately and safely use our equipment and carry out the main weightlifting exercises.
You can find access to the induction form and instructional video and code of conduct below.
Gain access to the gym
Once you’ve paid and completed the induction form, access to the gym will be granted via your campus card, which you will be able to use to gain entry to the gym.
It is mandatory that there always be two or more people in the gym at any one time, so if in doubt bring a friend!
All information presented here is from the 2021/22 academic year and is subject to change.
Howlands Gym - Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct applies to both Colleges and is intended to establish an environment in which authorised users can use the facilities safely.
Taking part in physical activity is very safe for most people. However, some people should check with their doctor before they start increasing their activity levels. If any of the following apply, please talk with your doctor BEFORE you begin being more physically active:
If you are over 69 and you are not used to being physically active
If you have a heart condition or have you been told that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor
If you feel any pain in your chest when taking part in physical activity
If you lose your balance because of dizziness
If you ever lose consciousness
If you have a joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity
If your doctor currently prescribing drugs (e.g. water pills) for blood pressure or a heart condition
If you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity
Important points to note:
You should delay becoming more active if you are not feeling well due to a temporary illness such as cold or fever – wait until you have recovered before you resume training.
If you are or may be pregnant, talk to your doctor before becoming more active.
If your health changes so that you then answer YES to any one of the above questions, tell your fitness instructor of health professional immediately – you may have to change your physical activity plan.
The Gym is available only to members of Stephenson College and Josephine Butler College who are authorised and have completed an induction. Names will be provided by each College to the relevant porters.
The Gym will be available 24 hours a day.
Maximum of 25 users in the facility at any one time.
In case of emergency call the porters on 47270 or 45485.
Users must abide by all University, College and fitness club health and safety requirements. We do not take responsibility for members who decide to use the gym despite unsuitable health issues.
The gym operations team has the right to refuse gym entry to any members who we feel are in danger of causing themselves or others harm.
The Howlands Gym Governance Group has the right to revoke membership and impose penalties or fines dependent on the circumstances if a member is found to be misusing or damaging the facility.
A minimum of two people must always be present when the gym is being used.
When the last pair of users leave the gym, they must make sure that the door is locked behind them.
Users must have clean hands and footwear and must wipe down kit after use.
Users using the free weights must return them to their correct positions.
No smoking or eating is permitted, and drinking is restricted to bottled water in the gym.
During busy periods do not use any piece of equipment for more than 15 minutes.
Users are asked to avoid disturbance to other users of the Howlands Building. When requested by porters noise must cease immediately.
Users must not attempt to open, move, disconnect or in any way tamper with any of the facilities or equipment.
Users must not remove or borrow equipment from the room.
Users are asked to cooperate by leaving the gym tidy and must remove any personal belongings (including any equipment or clothing they have taken to the gym), placing any unwanted items in the waste bins provided.
Users must report any damages or faults in the gym to the porters which can be found at Stephenson College Reception.