JCR Committees
Students at our Summer Ball 2022.
Ball Committee
If you’re someone who enjoys organising large scale and extravagant events, then you’re a perfect fit for the Ball Committee!
Our Ball Committee, led by our Ball Chair, is responsible for planning, organising and carrying out our Winter and Summer Balls. This includes choosing the venue, setting the theme, putting together a budget and more!
Being on the Ball Committee is a great way to get involved with two of the most popular events in our calendar. Plus, it is a great experience for those who might want to go into careers in event management and hospitality.
Contact Stephenson.jcr-ball@durham.ac.uk if you want to get involved!
Bar and Shop Committee
Stephenson Central is truly the heart of College and we’re looking for a team to contribute to consistent development.
Our Bar and Shop Committee is led by our Bar Development Officer and is integral in providing feedback to College and the JCR on the development of the bar, including ideas for future upgrades, usage of Stephenson Central, and the stock offered at the Café-Bar and College Shop.
Being on the Bar and Shop Committee is a great way to make your mark on a central part of our College. Plus, a demonstration of your dedication via sitting on the Bar and Shop Committee can be taken into consideration when applying for Café-Bar jobs in College.
Contact stephenson.jcr-bar@durham.ac.uk if you want to get involved!
Students enjoying the bar at our Indian bar night 2021.
Diversity and Inclusivity Committee
One of our newest Committees, if you want to be part of an important and developing part of our JCR then Diversity and Inclusivity Committee is the place for you.
Led by our D&I Officer the Committee ensures the activities of the JCR are suitably inclusive and monitors and addresses reports of discrimination by/within the JCR. It goes without saying this is an incredibly important duty.
If you value inclusivity and pride yourself on your commitment to equality, then consider joining the D&I Committee.
Contact stephenson.jcr-inclusivity@durham.ac.uk if you want to get involved.
Events Committee
Do you consider yourself an organised and creative person? Do you enjoy organising social events for your friends and family? If so you should join Events Committee!
The Events Committee, put simply, is responsible for organising and running the wide range of social and wellbeing events put on by the JCR over the course of the year, as well as planning larger set-piece events such as Stevo Day. This entails producing ideas for events, creating plans for them, and putting those plans into action.
With events being the bread and butter of the JCR, having a strong and effective Events Committee is integral to us fulfilling our purpose. Plus, being on the Events Committee is a fantastic opportunity for those looking to go into Events management, plus, Committee members get priority tickets to all our events, including Stevo Day (excluding Winter and Summer Ball).
Contact stephenson.jcr-events@durham.ac.uk if you want to get involved.
Students enjoying Stevo Day 2022!
Finance Committee
Are you studying accountancy? Interested in finance? Or simply skilled at putting together your personal budgets. If any of these apply you should consider joining Finance Committee!
Finance Committee is the backbone of the JCR, responsible for shaping and approving the JCR’s yearly and termly budgets. This means making a genuine impact on the JCR by helping to decide where the financial contributions of your fellow JCR members gets spent. It goes without saying this is an important responsibility.
It also goes without saying that having a hand in managing the finances of a substantial organisation, such as the JCR, is great experience for those looking at careers in accountancy and finance.
If you want to get involved email Stephenson.jcr-trops@durham.ac.uk.
International Committee
Our International Committee represents the interests of our large community of international students, as well as providing a forum for those passionate about other cultures and internationalism. Led by the Internationals Representative, the Committee meets to discuss how to improve the student experience of our international students and plan events aimed at our international students.
If you are an international student and have suggestions about how the JCR could improve its interactions with internationals please, join the International Committee.
If you want to get involved contact stephenson.jcr-international@durham.ac.uk.
Some students at our Indian bar night 2021!
Livers Out Committee
Our livers out community represent nearly two thirds of the Stephenson College community and JCR, and therefore it is important that their interests are represented by a strong and dedicated committee.
Led by our Livers Out Representative, the Committee ensures the JCR takes into account the views of those living out of College, be they first years living at home, or a third-year living deep into Gilesgate! Additionally the Livers Out Committee help organise and run events geared towards our livers out.
If you’re a Liver Out and want to maintain strong links with college, joining this Committee is a great place to start.
If you want to get involved contact Stephenson.jcr-vicepresident@durham.ac.uk
Media and Promotions Committee
If you consider yourself as someone capable with social media, interested in journalism, creative with your own posts, or are just very good at getting people to listen the Media and Promotions Committee is the place for you!
The unsung heroes of the JCR, the Media and Promotions Committee are the team behind the JCR Social Media, without whom much of the JCR’s fantastic work would go unnoticed. Led by the Media and Promotions Officer, the Committee produces content for the JCR’s social media and website, promotes our Events and Activities, and contributes to our overarching Communications Strategy.
In a virtual world increasingly crowded, the JCR needs an effective Media and Promotions Committee to make itself heard, and we would love for you to be a part of it. Additionally, being part of the team involved with the JCR’s Social Media and Online presence is stellar experience for those looking to go into Public Relations, Advertising, Social Media Management and more.
If you want to get involved contact Stephenson.jcr-communications@durham.ac.uk.
Andrew Feinstein giving an address at our Ideas Talk series.
Scholarly Events Committee
As a community of students, an aim of the JCR is to support student enrichment in all fields and the Scholarly Events Committee is the body which supports our enrichment program; Stephenson Connections.
The Committee is contributes to deciding the which speakers we invite into College, which workshops we hold, and which organisations we collaborate with, they will also assist with the undertaking of these events, greeting guests and supporting speakers.
A clear benefit for Committee members is that this affords them unique opportunities to advance their own development and professional network via making contact with some of the UKs foremost professionals and speakers, from CEOs to MPs.
If you want to get involved email Stephenson.jcr-vicepresident@durham.ac.uk.
Societies Committee
Within the JCR we have a wide range of societies providing a diverse range of activities for our students. If you’re a passionate member of one of our societies, you should consider joining Societies Committee.
Led by the Societies Officer and supported by our Societies Presidents, Societies Committee helps to ensure our societies remain active and vibrant, via coordinating events, allocating wider funding and facilitating collaboration between societies.
If you want to get involved contact Stephenson.jcr-societies@durham.ac.uk.
Some members of our famous Spag Bol Soc!
Our Mixed Lacrosse team before their varsity match!
Sports Committee
Our sports teams make up some of our most dedicated and passionate students, representing the College and JCR on the pitch, or court etcetera with pride!
Therefore, it is important that their success is maintained with the support of a strong Sports Committee. Made up of our team captains and led by our Sports Officer all JCR members are able to join and help out. The Committee is responsible for allocating wider sports funding, coordinate training, and help organise our Varsity competitions.
If you want to join contact Stephenson.jcr-sports@durham.ac.uk.
Steering Committee
Calling all prospective lawyers, the JCR's Steering Committee needs you!
The Steering Committee is the body that makes sure the JCR adheres to its own rules, regulations, and policies whilst also overseeing the maintenance and development of the JCR's constitution. Led by the JCR Chair and supported by the Vice President, the Steering Committee also oversees JCR elections and arbitrates any disputes that might arise throughout the year.
If you want to join contact Stephenson.jcr-chair@durham.ac.uk
One of the student performers at Stevo Day 2022!
Tech Committee
If you have experience with tech, stage management, music production and IT of any kind, then the JCR needs you!
Many of our events utilise the JCR’s stocks of tech, including speakers, mics, projectors, mixers and more and we need a dedicated group who can assist with set up to make sure these events go smoothly.
Besides being great experience for those who are interested in tech, or are looking to go into these areas later in life, members of Tech Committee will also receive priority tickets to the events they assist with.
To join contact amren.h.stephenson@durham.ac.uk.
Volunteer and Outreach Committee
If you’re someone who takes pride in giving back to our local community and carrying out positive change, you should consider joining out Volunteering and Outreach Committee.
Our V&O Committee is led by the Volunteering and Outreach Officer and is responsible for facilitating and providing opportunities for our students to volunteer and support local charities, strengthening the JCR’s contribution to our community. Additionally, the V&O Committee works on the environmental sustainability of the JCR, from raising awareness to spearheading campaigns for change.
Being on the V&O Committee means being part of a group which supports genuine grassroots change within the College community and beyond. Plus, it is fantastic experience for those looking to go into a career in the growing third sector of charities and voluntary organisations.
To join contact Stephenson.jcr-outreach@durham.ac.uk
Our V&O team at our successful Macmillan coffee morning!